Meghan Sickner
Tools for Love

About Meghan

About Meghan

I like to make people feel AMAZING

About who they are.

Not in a pour pink paint over pain..sorta way..

More of reminding and helping people remember who they are and why they are here.

We offer a variety of tools , and exercises to help you get the outcome desired.

I am a holistic health practitioner..

Which means I have a ton of certifications in a variety of healing and coaching modalities.

We offer personal custom coaching plans, On call subscriptions, individual sessions groups sessions, couples, etc. 

 For Agencies:

I'm more than happy to provide services for your in-care patients and staff. Please find more detailed information on the processes I employ to evoke  transformative and sustainable change in the lives of your clients.

Discover where you are,  Take action into Transformation, Awaken into the life you imagine.

Beauty -freedom-growth-

“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself”

Coco Chanel :)

Freedom to discover , remember who you are or maybe who you are not. :)

Beauty plus freedom equals quantum Growth. 

 When Humanity calls there is no "call waiting" option.  Often if we hit "ignore or block too often we are blasted with healing crisis symptoms. Answer the call and your health will thrive!